Biology Online Tutor Dr. Yogesh Yadav
For Canada, USA, UK, Australia, Europe, Asia, India, World

About Biology Tutor:
Name: Dr. Yogesh Yadav
Education: Ph.D. in Biology
Specialization: Zoology and Botany
Levels Taught: High School and University
Work: Assistant Professor, 10+ Years of Teaching
Fees Range: 20 to 35 Canadian Dollars per Hour
Send Your Requirements:
Class Recording Requirement: To help maintain quality and safety in your private online classes, you accept that we record and keep the online classes between you and the tutor. The recordings are not shared publicly. Also, all online classes are conducted using Karunamayi Holistic Inc. Zoom accounts only.
Demo by Biology Tutor Dr. Yogesh Yadav
Our company including through our website, social media, prints or any other activities never gives any medical advise. All our content is for information purpose only and they are not to replace any conventional allopathic treatment. For any of your concerns, please contact your primary care physicians or for Ayurvedic help, please contact Ayurvedic doctors directly.